Sharp Shooters. Volunteers

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Sharp Shooters. Volunteers

Post by admin » Fri Sep 26, 2008 2:14 am

Wanted for the Glengary Light Infantry Fencibles. -- Brave and loyal men of good character, who with to defend their lives and property, their mothers and fifters from infult, their country from invafion and difhonor can in no way difcharge this facred duty with fo much advantage to themfelves and benefit to their country, as by joining this highly favored corps, in which young men of activity, and refpectable character are sure to meet with encouragment and promotion. -- Thofe fpirited young men who choofe to join this fine young regiment during the American war only, will receive
Four GUINEAS Bounty,
and a complete fuit of regimental clothing,
confifting of

A Regimental Green Jacket,
A Cloth Shell Jacket,
A Pair of Cloth Pantaloons,
A Pair of shoes,
A Regimental Cap,
A Military Great Coat.

As every man is liable to be called upon to carry arms during this unjuft and unprovoked war, the advantages held out by this liberal offer are too evident to require any comment. To thofe who will engage to ferve for three years, or til a general Peace.
Seven GUINEAS Bounty.
one hundred acres of Crown Lands, and clothing as above will be given. And His Excellency the Commander of the Forces. fenfible of the high value and & eftimation in which a brave and loyal population merits being held by Government. & which is at this moment engaged in the moft horrible manner; by the patriotic and Gallant exertions of the heroic militia of this Province, affures the foldiers engaging in the Glengary Light Infantry, that in felecting eligible fituations for their future eftablishment in either Province, every confideration and indulgence will be paid to their comforts and ultimate advantage.
Apply to Walkers Hotel to
Alex Roxburgh.
Capt. Glengary Light Infantry.

Fore more information, send us a note by filling in this form.

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