MG Brown discloses his intensions of the previous day to the usa Secretary of War:
Source: THE DOCUMENTARY HISTORY OF THE CAMPAIGN ON THE NIAGARA FRONTIER IN 1814. Lundy's Lane Historical Society, Welland: The Tribune Office. Captain E. Cruikshank. [Year Unknown]. Pp.86-87.
" Major-General Brown to the Secretary of War
H.Q., QUEENSTON, July 22nd, 1814.
DEAR SIR,-On the 20th the army moved and encamped in the rear of Fort George. General Scott with the van had some skirmishing before the main body came up, but as the enemy kept close to their works nothing important occurred. No force was left in our rear, the heights were abandoned to the enemy, and we did hope that the movement would have induced him to reoccupy them or close in nearer to us, so as to bring on an engagement out of his works; in this we were disappointed. The army returned today and found a body of militia and a few regulars in and about the heights. Porter pursued them with his command and a few regulars, and was so fortunate as to come up with and capture seven officers and ten privates-they will be sent to Greenbush."