The British and Canadians WON the Battle of Lundy's Lane,.of course.
Consider the following;
Source: A History of The War Between Great Britain and the United States of America During The Years 1812, 1813 & 1814. Arms and Armour Press (Pendragon House), Great Britain, 1972. G. Auchinleck. pp. 328-329.
"Before closing this account of the Battle of Bridgewater, or Lundy's Lane, as it is commonly termed, we will give one short extract from General Wilkinson's memoirs. The General, when noticing General Browns orders to General Ripley to return for the guns he had forgotten, writes, "finding the enemy so strongly posted and in superior force, he judiciously retired; and then a scene ensued which has been carefully concealed from the public. By the improvidence of General Brown (the American Turenne) the deficiency of transport provided for his baggage, stores, and provisions, had not been remedied; and a great portion of it was now necessary to the accommodation of his wounded and sick. The necessity of a retreat could be no longer concealed or delayed; and the consequence was, that a considerable quantity of provisions, stores, and camp equipage, with a number of tents were thrown into the river, or burnt." General Wilkinson adds, "I have this fact from an officer left with the command which performed this duty."
With this declaration before him Ingersol and other Americans have the assurance to contend that a victory was gained, and that their troops retired in good order!
When claiming the action of Lundy's Lane as a victory, the Americans were always compelled to qualify and explain, not so, however, General Drummond, who had the satisfaction of knowing that his troops and their gallantry, on the memorable 25th of July, were duly appreciated at headquarters, as the issuing of the following order testified:-
Montreal, 4th August, 1814.
The commander of the forces has the highest satisfaction in promulgating to the troops, the District General Order, issued by Lieut. Gen. Drummond, after the action which took place on the 25th of last month, near the Falls of Niagara. His Excellency is desirous of adding to the meed of praise so deservedly bestowed by the Lieutenant General on the troops, regulars, and militia, who had the good fortune to share in this brilliant achievement, the deep sense he entertains of their services, and of the distinguished skill and energetic exertions of Lieutenant General Drummond in the measures which have terminated by repelling the invaders from his Majesty's territories.
The commander of the forces unites with Lieutenant General Drummond, in sincerely lamenting the great loss which the service has sustained by the severe wound received by Major General Riall, and his subsequent untoward capture. It will be a most pleasing part of the duty of the Commander of the Forces to bring the meritorious services of the right division of the army of the Canadas, before the gracious consideration of his Royal Highness the Prince Regent.
(Signed) EDWARD BAINES, Adj’t. Gen. N.A.
It will be seen by this endorsation of General Drummond's general order, that the heads of departments in Canada, were saved the trouble of endeavouring to make the worse appear the better cause, a necessity which fell to the lot of Washington and Baltimorean writers. General Drummond won the battle, and in his General order,…he gives a manly and straightforward version of the affair. Knowing that his men were brave and disciplined, he felt that he was not called on to lavish the extravagant praise on them, for comporting themselves as soldiers, which usually marks American General orders:-,…"