April 2, 1814 - Glengarries to be sent to Niagara Frontier

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April 2, 1814 - Glengarries to be sent to Niagara Frontier

Post by pud » Wed Apr 11, 2007 10:43 pm

Source: Documentary History of the Campaign upon the Niagara Frontier in 1812-14; Volume IX, December, 1813, to May, 1814. Lieutenant-Colonel E. Cruikshank. WELLAND: Tribune Office 1908. pp. 274-275.

"Lieutenant General Drummond to Sir George Prevost.
KINGSTON, April 2, 1814.
Secret and Confidential.

I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of Your Excellency’s letter of the 24th ultimo. marked private and confidential, enclosing the copy of a letter from Mr. Monroe to Brigadier General Winder of the United States Army on the subject of an armistice, on which Your Excellency desires my sentiments.

I beg leave respectfully to submit as my opinion that the object of Mr. Monroe's letter is two-fold. First, to gain time for organizing their naval and military force. Second, to cause the proposal for the armistice, (the discussion of which is to afford that time,) to originate with Your Excellency.

,… Should an opportunity offer by even a temporary naval superiority for the destruction of the enemy's fleet and arsenal at Sackett’s Harbor, a vigorous combined attack by the Navy and Army would be highly advisable, yet it must be remembered that the squadron will be required to perform another most important service as soon as the season opens, viz., the pushing of troops, (the 103rd Regt. and the Glengarry Light Infantry,) stores, &c., &c., to the relief of Fort Niagara and the Right Division."

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